Summer camping is a great time with the family. You spend all day traversing nature and soaking up a good “unplug” from the screens and grinds of modern living. You curl up together at night to roast marshmallows for s’mores. Family camping is a time to make those memories your kids will remember long into adulthood.
But what’s missing from this picture? Your family pet! No one likes leaving their pet behind. Coordinating pet care is a headache whether you go through a pet sitter or a kennel. Fortunately, many pets are able to join in on the fun of summer camping. You’ll need to take some proactive steps to ensure a successful trip, but a hassle-free vacation with your furry family member is possible.
We created a stress-free guide to RVing with pets below. If your RV needs any maintenance before your trip, bring it to Broadmoor RV. We are located in Pasco, Washington.
Get Your Pet Used to the RV
You can’t just stick your pet in an RV on travel day and expect the trip to go well. It’d be a terrifying experience for him! New sights, new smells, and the whole world around them is moving. Successful RVing with pets starts with acclimating your pets to this strange foreign environment.
Gather up your family and get everyone in the RV. Make sure everyone is talking in happy voices and relaxed. Your pet picks up on your emotions, so you’ll want to cultivate a relaxed vibe. Bring along treats and toys to show her that the RV is where fun happens! It’s important, though, to let her enter on her own time. Forcing her inside will start things off on a bad impression.
Stick to the Routine
Animals love schedules. It helps them know what to expect and what is normal. When you go summer camping, there are already plenty of new experiences to overwhelm your pet. Try to bring as much of your normal routine into your family camping experience as possible. Keep meal times the same, bed times the same, walk times the same, and so on. The more you keep to the usual schedule, the less stress your pet will feel.
Bring Your Pet’s Gear
When you go family camping, you’ll need to pack supplies for each family member. This applies to your pets as well! Your pet summer camping packing list needs to include a few things. Take along more food than you think you’ll need. A pet’s digestive system is sensitive. Changing foods can throw everything off and could even make them sick. You want to prevent running out of food and having to buy a different brand at the nearby store.
Next, you will need a bed. If you travel often, it’s tempting to buy a cheap bed just for travel and leave it in your RV. But pets feel more relaxed if they recognize their scent. Use their current bed to help them sleep better at night.
Finally, take along toys and treats! Family camping is a vacation for your pet as well. Make sure your pet gets some rest and relaxation too.
Safe RVing with Pets
Letting your pets freely wander the RV isn’t safe. They could distract the driver in plenty of ways, from barking to trying to get on their lap. Your pet could also get tossed around if you have to brake or turn suddenly. It’s best to keep them secure in a crate (or at the very least a bedroom with a family member).
Before you can go family camping, you need a smoothly running RV. Come to Broadmoor RV! If your current RV isn’t running right, let our parts replacement or service department fix things right up. If you are looking to buy, check out our selection of new and used RVs. We proudly serve those in Pasco, Seattle, Kennewick, Spokane, and Richland, Washington. We also serve those in La Grande, Pendleton, and Hermiston, Oregon.